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The Benefits Of Sedation Dentistry [infographic]

When Dr. Ron Receveur opened his own dentist office in New Albany, IN, he insisted on three things. His practice would be convenient, pain-free, and quick. He wanted patients to be able to get the service they needed, whether that…

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IV Sedation For Comfortable Dental Care

Imagine walking into a dentist office without any worries or concerns. You trust the team at your dentist office, and you have no anxiety about what is about to happen. Why? It could be because you are coming to New…

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Cosmetic Dentistry For A New Year New You!

Dr. Receveur wants to help you start 2017 with more confidence and a winning attitude. Our New Albany, IN dental office focuss in cosmetic dentistry that can improve your smile and give you the self-esteem boost you need to be…

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Is Sedation Really A good Choice For You?

If you’ve been seeing the dentist on a regular basis you’re probably familiar with nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. This easy-to-use option can put you at ease during an appointment, making your time in the chair much easier. You might…

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What Is So Great About Sedation Dentistry?

Many dental practices claim to provide sedation dentistry, but that term is a generic one that applies to a variety of different techniques and levels of sedation. But not all forms of sedation are equal. Some dentists may only provide…

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Beat Denture Woes with the One Day Smile Solution

If you have missing teeth, or unhealthy teeth that are causing you pain, then you may need to consider a tooth replacement solution. But you don’t want dentures. They are awkward and uncomfortable. Isn’t there something better? There sure is.…

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No Tension With Dental Sedation

When you think of sedation dentistry, you probably think of people who are extremely phobic of the dentist. People who would rather die than get their teeth cleaned. People who couldn’t sit still for an examination even if you paid…

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