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Stay Updated on New Albany Implants


Stay Updated on New Albany Implants

Visit New Albany Dentist to Hear the Truth About Dentures

There’s an issue we think is important for our patients to know: the difference between dental implants and dentures. Our New Albany dental office hears from patients every day who tell us they have dentures, and therefore, neglected visiting the dentist for years. Or those same patients believe they could not benefit from additional dental work. Neither of these things could be further from the truth, and we hope denture patients realize they still need to visit the dentist for regular cleanings.

At New Albany Implants, we take pride in educating our denture patients and giving them treatment options to repair their smile. Denture patients can still have dental problems like gum disease and plaque buildup, so it’s important they also regularly see an oral health professional. Our office provides solutions for denture wearers that can restore their smile and give them back their chewing ability.

Dr. Receveur provides dental implants in one day that are the next best thing to natural teeth. He places the One Day Smile Solution for patients with entire missing arches of teeth. Dental implants are titanium posts that support bridges, dentures or individual crowns. When cared for properly, dental implants can last a lifetime.

Here are some ways dental implants are far superior to dentures:

Removable Dentures are Primarily An Aesthetic Fix
Patients living with dentures understand this very well. Dentures give the appearance of a full and healthy smile, but that’s often far from the case. Removable dentures have only about 20 percent of the chewing force of natural teeth and they often change shapes. The drastic decrease in chewing force makes it nearly impossible for patients to eat the foods they want – not to mention getting the right nutrition. Because of the food restrictions that come with dentures, studies show that patients with dentures live an average of 10 years less than those who have their natural teeth or dental implants.

Dental Implants Will Never Slide Around In Your Mouth
It’s common for dentures to change shapes in patient’s mouth or to slip around when patients are eating. In fact, these two things are probably the biggest complaints we hear from denture wearers. Most of them tell us they are actually embarrassed to eat in public because they fear people will see their teeth shift around.

Dental implants actually fuse to the jawbone and stabilize your permanent restorations. There’s no need for patients to remove the implants or to store them overnight.

Don’t Assume Dentures Are Less Expensive Than Dental Implants
Dental implants can be a huge investment for patients. We want to make sure every treatment fits a patient’s budget, but we also encourage patients to see the benefits of dental implants and not just the cost. Another thing to consider is the lifespan of dental implants and dentures. Dental implants, when cared for properly, can last a lifetime. Dentures, on the other hand, often change shapes or break. By the time patients change out their dentures a few times, they spent thousands more than they ever intended to. By selecting dental implants, you actually are investing in a solution that will repair your smile for the rest of your life.

If your slippery dentures need to be replace, call your New Albany dental implant dentists today.

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