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Stay Updated on New Albany Implants

Your New Albany Dentists Can Relieve Head, Neck Pains

As both science and dentistry progress, we learn more and more about how your oral health has a direct impact on your overall health. That means those visits to the dentist aren’t just for protecting your teeth and gums. Dental professionals are here to make sure you’re healthy and feeling great.

One area of dentistry that has evolved rapidly is the study of the temporomandibular joint. This joint plays a huge role in your well being, so much that it can cause tooth sensitivity, shoulder aches and even excruciating headaches. The worst part is that without treatment these symptoms never fade away. In fact, they usually only get worse.

At New Albany Implants, Dr. Receveur has the training to provide solutions for TMJ disorder. By crafting a mouthpiece for you to wear at night, Dr. Receveur can eliminate those irritating aches and pains caused by TMJ disorder.

Know Who Can Help With TMJ
TMJ disorder can be difficult for some general dentists and physicians to diagnose and treat. It’s common for patients suffering from TMJ issues to take an aspirin or two and expect the problems to go away. Sometimes they even consult a doctor but the problem persists. More often than not, your family doctor will not identify your TMJ as the source of your symptoms. You probably never knew that a dentist qualified in TMJ can help relieve your pain.

Dr. Receveur can quickly assess your jaw and take a 3D scan of your mouth to determine the status of the TMJ. TMJ disorder can commonly be caused by an injury; grinding or clenching of the teeth; movement in the disc; or even arthritis.

The unfortunate truth is that TMJ disorder can have serious effects on your overall health. Patients with TMJ disorder not only have pain, but the pain can also have effects on their personal and professional lives. We’ve heard from patients who have trouble sleeping or even wake up every morning with intense headaches.

In terms of oral health, the clenching or grinding that often inflames the TMJ can damage the enamel of your teeth. Your enamel is the hardest substance in your body, and once it’s gone it cannot be replaced. Weak or worn enamel can substantially weaken the structure of your tooth, opening the door to decay and even breaks.

What are the signs of TMJ?
TMJ pain is not exclusive to the jaw, teeth or oral cavity. It’s very common for those areas to be sensitive, but TMJ can affect all areas of your head, neck, and shoulders.

Here are few symptoms:

– Persisted jaw, neck or head pain
– Sensitive teeth
– Clicking, locking or popping of the jaw
– Ear pain that feels like an infection
– Ringing in the ears
– Tooth, eye, throat, should or facial pain
– Sinus issues
– Restrictions opening and closing your mouth
– Chewing or swallowing problems
– Dizzy spells
– Tiredness of the face

If you have any of these symptoms, it’s time for you to call Dr. Receveur and receive an examination. Our TMJ treatment works almost instantly and is completely non-invasive. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

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