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Did Fighting Gum Disease Just Get Easier?

At New Albany Implants we love being on the cutting edge of dental technology. Staying abreast of new forms of care that make our patients’ lives easier is what we love to do, and that’s why we’re so excited about…

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Is Obesity An Oral Health Problem Too?

With the obesity rates in America on the rise it’s becoming more and more common to hear about its devastating health effects. From increases in heart disease to stroke risk and diabetes, it’s apparent that being overweight can take a…

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Good Gums Can Fight Alzheimer’s

If you’ve spent much time caring for your teeth you know how serious gum disease can be. It can lead to heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and a whole bunch of other serious, and potentially deadly, conditions. Now we can add…

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Why Are Missing Teeth So Common?

It’s a fact: over 65 percent of adults will lose at least one tooth over the course of their lives. With chances that good you might be wondering what you can do to prevent that loss, and you’ll be pleasantly…

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What Is The Number One Cause Of Tooth Loss?

Tooth loss is a scary proposition. If you’re like most people with a mouthful of healthy teeth you can’t even imagine the horror of having a tooth fall out! Sure you lost your baby teeth but that was expected –…

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