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Sedation Dentistry: Not Just For The Fearful

Hello and welcome to another July blog of the New Albany Implants blog! In our Southern Indiana dental office, we are big on sedation dentistry. Most folks in the outside world associate sedation with treating dental anxiety, you know, when…

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Choose an Office You Can Trust

When you’re putting your smile in someone else’s hands, you want to know that these are hands you can trust. However, you aren’t just trusting the dentist. You are trusting every person who comes in contact with you, and it’s…

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Do Teeth Really Get Sprains?

Bothered by a dull ache in your teeth? Some people fear a cracked tooth and run to their dentist for emergency repairs, but no gums problems or cracking can be detected. One possible cause of pain is sprained tooth syndrome…

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Conservative Dentistry

In the late 20th century, some dentists recommended replacing otherwise healthy teeth with implants and bridges. Many dentists pushed for artificial teeth because fake teeth did not require as much maintenance: Dentures did not get cavities and never hurt. If…

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