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Stay Updated on New Albany Implants

Save Your Teeth With The Right Toothbrush

Hello and welcome to another August edition of the New Albany Implants blog!

As your partner for preventive dentistry, we have a vested interest in helping you save your smile. That’s why today we want to talk a little bit about one weapon you will need in the never-ending battle against decay and disease.

Read on and then be sure to get in touch to schedule your next preventive checkup at our Southern Indiana dentist’s office.

Brushing Is A Non-Negotiable

To protect your smile, you will need to your toothbrush every day, at least twice a day, for at least two minutes at a go.

As such, you should be intimately acquainted with your toothbrush.

But have you ever really paid it much attention?

Where and when did you get it?

Did some special aspect draw you towards it (maybe that it was battery-operated), or did you choose it based on color scheme and/or the presence of a particular image or cartoon character?

Were there special features involved? Certain types come equipped with tongue scrapers. Some even have gum massagers. There are toothbrushes that vibrate.

Are those things important?

Actually none of that makes any real difference in terms of effectiveness.

Honestly, all that matters is the size of the toothbrush and bristle firmness.

Everything else is just extra.

Selecting an effective toothbrush is not hard, but it is important that you choose the right one, or else you may not be getting your teeth as clean as you could be, and you could be putting yourself at risk for problems later on. Trust us, we’d rather help you save your smile now than be talking to you in 5 years about your dental implant options!

The Size Is Key

The size of your toothbrush is key because it determines how easily you can maneuver toothbrush to get to hard to reach areas of your mouth. Sure, you will also be using floss. But you will want to maximize your efforts with the brush first.

It is no secret that your back teeth, or molars, are difficult to brush, and if the head of your toothbrush is too large, or if the handle is too short, then it can be an exercise in futility.

By contrast, if the the head is too small, you will have to work that much harder to cover the surface area of your teeth, which will make it easier to overlook spots, especially when you are thinking about going to sleep or you are trying to wake up!

Also, if the handle of the brush is too long, you run the risk of injuring the soft tissue inside your mouth. The inside of your cheeks and the back of your throat are in danger.

So, what should you look for?

We have determined that a toothbrush with a head that is about a ½ inch wide by an inch long is the ideal size for the typical adult patient that we see in our New Albany dentist’s office. The handle needs to be long enough for you to be able to get a good grip on it and work it with ease. It isn’t complicated. But it is important!

Harder Or Softer?

It turns out that most people need to use a toothbrush with soft bristles. The medium and/or hard bristled brushes may be fine if you are dealing with abnormal plaque and tartar build up, but you will want to be careful so as not to inflict damage on your teeth and gums.

Honestly, the best way to reduce tartar, plaque, and bacteria is to visit our office every 3-6 months for a professional teeth cleaning. When you are here, we will assess your situation and make recommendations regarding your toothbrush, dental floss, and mouthwash choices.

Learn More, Get Started!

If you have any questions or concerns about your next toothbrush, or want to schedule your next preventive checkup, contact us now at New Albany Implants of New Albany, Indiana!

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