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Stay Updated on New Albany Implants

Safe Sedation Dentistry: What You Should Know

Sedation dentistry is the use of sedatives to induce a state of relaxation in patients undergoing a dental procedure. Because each patient is different, your New Albany implant dentist offers different methods to ensure that the procedure is painless and pleasant. Learning about anesthesia and common sedation methods can increase safety and give you the opportunity to discuss your preferences with Dr. Receveur.

Local Anesthesia

Novocaine is a common local anesthetic for dental work. The drug numbs only the area to which it is applied. You are fully alert, and you are very aware of smells, sounds and sensations around you. Fillings, root canal and mini implant placement are usually performed with local anesthetic.

Regional Anesthesia

Regional anesthetics numb an entire area of the body, like a leg or the lower half of your body.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia can be inhaled or administered into a vein. The drug induces unconsciousness, relaxes your muscles and causes partial or complete memory loss. General anesthesia slows down your heart and breathing rate, so a breathing tube is often required. This method is recommended for patients with severe anxiety or those undergoing multiple and complicated dental procedures.

Conscious Sedation

In conscious sedation, sedatives induce a “twilight” state. You are awake, but you recall little, if anything, after the procedure. You feel groggy and you may fall asleep, but the doctor can easily awaken you. Sedatives can be administered through inhalation (nitrous oxide) or into a vein (IV sedation).

Anesthesia and sedation have their risks, so it’s important to choose a doctor with up-to-date training and the latest equipment to cope with potential emergencies. Make sure the facility is properly accredited, and check the doctor’s board certification and training. Anesthesiologists must be certified by the ASA.

On your part, practice full disclosure. Tell your New Albany implant dentist about your medical history. Include medications taken (including supplements), habits (smoking, drinking alcohol) and recent illnesses (even colds).

It’s best to get in touch with Dr. Receveur if you have any questions about sedation dentistry. Call (812) 945-7645 or use our online form to leave us a message.

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